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Marc-Antoine Charpentier

Palais Garnier

from 10 April to 11 May 2024

3h40 with 2 intervals


Listen to the synopsis

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Possibly mythology’s most unfathomable character: Medea, the sorceress, betrayed by her husband Jason, takes revenge by offering the latter’s lover a poisoned dress and then killing her own children. Such a destiny, so often portrayed in the arts, could not but be embodied at the Opera.

In 1693, Marc-Antoine Charpentier premiered his only “tragédie lyrique”, based on a libretto by Thomas Corneille, at the Académie royale de Musique – forerunner of the Paris Opera – in the presence of Louis XIV. Three centuries after its creation, this baroque score of great orchestral wealth returns for the first time to the stage of the Paris Opera, under the baton of William Christie.

Renowned for his exceptionally articulate interpretations, director David McVicar transposes the action to the Second World War, thus reinforcing the heroine’s tragic character.

Duration : 3h40 with 2 intervals

Language : French

Surtitle : French / English

Show acts and characters


Medea: Princess of Colchis, sorceress
Jason: Prince of Thessaly, Argonaut, father of Medea’s children
Creusa: Princess of Corinth and Creon’s daughter whom Jason intends to marry
Orontes: Prince of Argos to whom Creon has promised his daughter
Creon: King of Corinth and Creusa’s father
Nerina: Medea’s confidante
Cleonis: Creusa’s confidante
Arcas: Jason’s confidant  

First part

In order to regain his stolen throne and birthright, Jason has sailed to Colchos in the Argo to retrieve the Golden Fleece from its sacred shrine. The Colchon princess (and sorceress) Medea has fallen in love with him and aided him in his quest through use of magic arts and murder. Returning with him to his native Thessaly, she has killed the usurping King Pelias. Pursued by his avenging son, Acastus, the couple have fled with their two young sons to Corinth, kingdom of Creon and his daughter Creusa.

Act 1
Medea fears that Jason’s love is waning. He has paid court to the princess Creusa in order to win the favour and protection of her doting father, but Medea tells her confidante, Nerina, that she suspects the liaison has become no mere dalliance. Jason enters and dismisses her suspicions but asks her for a beautiful golden dress to give to Creusa. Left alone with his confidant Arcas, Jason admits the extent of his true feelings for Creusa. Arcas begs him to be mindful of the vengeful nature and magic powers of Medea.

Creusa is betrothed to Prince Orontes of Argos, whose alliance Creon needs in the war that looms with Acastus of Thessaly. Although promised to Orontes, Creon tells Jason that Creusa shall be his once the battle is won. Orontes arrives,eager to meet his bride and commits his army to Corinth’s defence. The Corinthians celebrate the union of Venus and Mars.

Act 2

Creon tells Medea that, for the safety of the realm and to calm the animosity of his people, she must be exiled for the duration of the war, leaving Jason and her children behind in Corinth. She protests that her crimes have all been for the sake of Jason but Creon orders her to be gone by the end of the day.

She places her children in Creusa’s care and leaves. Alone together, Creusa and Jason declare their love but their tryst is interrupted by Orontes, who has prepared an entertainment to illustrate the sincerity of his passion for the princess. Captives of Love enter, pulling the chariot of Cupid, who urges Creusa to accept Orontes’ hand without further delay.

Second part

Act 3

Orontes promises Medea refuge in the land of Argos if she aids him in speeding the wedding to Creusa. She tells him her suspicions of the love between Jason and Creusa and that her banishment is a pretext to enable their marriage. They vow to support each other’s cause. Orontes leaves and Jason comes to bid Medea farewell. She begs him not to let her wander alone without him, but he argues the necessity of war, his allegiance to Creon and the good of their children. He leaves and Medea sadly contemplates her fate.

Nerina confirms her suspicions, telling Medea that Arcas has confessed to her th full extent of Jason’s plan to wed Creusa and reign in Corinth. Medea forces her from the room and summons her powers, unleashing the spirits of Jealousy and Vengeance. Demons arise and aid her as she casts a spell and poisons the golden dress destined for Creusa.  

Third part

Act 4
Creusa’s confidante Cleonis and Jason admire Creusa’s beauty in the golden dress of Medea. The lovers steal a few moments together before Orontes arrives, giving vent to his angry suspicions. He is convinced of the truth of Medea’s words, but Medea appears, vowing that Creusa shall never be Jason’s bride. She orders him to leave her as she contemplates, trembling, the course her revenge must now take. Creon and soldiers enter. He is angry to find her within his palace and orders them to take her away. Medea casts another spell, disarming the guards and summoning the spirits of beautiful women to enchant the senses of Creon. Creon is driven insane by the vision and runs away, wildly through his palace.

Act 5
Nerina tells Medea of Creon’s ravings. Medea replies that her vengeance shall know no bounds in her desire to inflict suffering on Jason. Even his own sons shall not be spared. Creusa appears, begging Medea to lift the spell on her father. Medea promises to do so once she has seen Creusa wedded to Orontes and confronts the princess with her adulterous love for Jason. Terrified, she agrees to give Jason up if her father’s life is spared. Cleonis and the court enter with news that Creon, raving, has killed Orontes and then himself.

Creusa dismisses the lamenting Corinthians and turns in fury on Medea, swearing that Jason will take revenge. Medea touches her and leaves. The enchanted dress releases its poison and Creusa collapses in agony. Jason rushes in and she dies in his arms. Jason runs, distraught, to find a weapon to punish Medea but is confronted by her and the vision of his two sons, dead. Medea declares herself avenged and departs. The palace is destroyed.


Lyrical tragedy with a prologue and five acts (1693)

Production first performed at English National Opera, London, February 15, 2013

Creative team


Les Arts Florissants Choir and Orchestra

With the exceptional support of Aline Foriel-Destezet

Médée fait l'objet d'une captation, réalisée par François Roussillon, coproduite par l’Opéra national de Paris, Arte et François Roussillon et Associés, avec le soutien du CNC et de la Fondation Orange, mécène des retransmissions audiovisuelles de l’Opera national de Paris. Ce spectacle sera diffusé sur Arte concert à partir du 30 mai 2024, en six langues, et ultérieurement sur Arte et sur le site de streaming de l’Opéra national de Paris : Paris Opera Play.

Médée sera diffusé sur France Musique le 1er juin 2024 à 20h dans l’émission ≪ Samedi à l’Opéra ≫, présentée par Judith Chaine.


[TRAILER] MÉDÉE by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (english version)
[TRAILER] MÉDÉE by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (english version)
  • Absolute revenge - Interview with David McVicar

    Absolute revenge - Interview with David McVicar

    Watch the video

  • Draw-me Médée

    Draw-me Médée

    Watch the video

  • Lea Desandre about Médée

    Lea Desandre about Médée

    Watch the video

  • Podcast Médée

    Podcast Médée

    Listen the podcast

Absolute revenge - Interview with David McVicar

Watch the video

Interview with David McVicar

10:15 min

Absolute revenge - Interview with David McVicar

By Isabelle Stibbe

Médée, Marc-Antoine Charpentier's only "tragédie lyrique", returns to the Paris Opera three centuries after its creation.

To mark the occasion, director David McVicar discusses the function of myths and the fascination exerted by the character of Médée.

Draw-me Médée

Watch the video

Understand the plot in 1 minute

1:37 min

Draw-me Médée

By Matthieu Pajot

Lea Desandre about Médée

Watch the video

6:22 min

Lea Desandre about Médée

By Isabelle Stibbe

Podcast Médée

Listen the podcast

Dance! Sing! Tales of Opera and Ballet

Podcast Médée

By Charlotte Landru-Chandès

"Dance! Sing! 7 minutes at the Paris Opera" offers original incursions into the season thanks to broadcasts produced by France Musique and the Paris Opera.

For each opera or ballet production, Charlotte Landru-Chandès (opera) and Jean-Baptiste Urbain (dance), present the works and artists you are going to discover when you attend performances in our theatres.

  • [EXTRAIT] MÉDÉE de Marc-Antoine Charpentier (Lea Desandre, Ana Vieira Leite - Acte 5)
  • [EXTRAIT] MÉDÉE de Marc-Antoine Charpentier (Julie Roset - "Régnez ; l'amour à vos lois")
  • [EXTRAIT] MÉDÉE de Marc-Antoine Charpentier (Reinoud Van Mechelen - "Ah! Que d'attraits")
  • [EXTRAIT] MÉDÉE de Marc-Antoine Charpentier (Lea Desandre - "Quel prix de mon amour")
  • Médée (saison 23/24) - Acte 2 Ana Vieira Leite - L'Amour sur tous les coeurs

  • Médée (saison 23/24) - Acte 2 Julie Roset - Régnez

  • Médée (saison 23/24) - Acte 5 Lea Desandre, Ana Vieira Leite

  • Médée (saison 23/24) - Orchestre - Ouverture

  • Médée (saison 23/24) - Acte 2 Orchestre - Chaconne

  • Médée (saison 23/24) - Acte 4 Reinoud Van Mechelen - Ah que d'attraits

  • Médée (saison 23/24) - Acte 1 Lea Desandre, Emmanuelle De Negri

  • Médée (saison 23/24) - Acte 3 Lea Desandre - Quel prix de mon amour


  • A spectacular evening for the comeback of Charpentier's 'Médée' at the Paris Opera.

    Olyrix, 2024
  • Lea Desandre owns the stage. Her voice exudes remarkable warmth, generosity, and subtle nuances.

    Forum opéra, 2024
  • 300 years later, a triumph for Marc-Antoine Charpentier's work, in David McVicar's version.

    Francetvinfo, 2024
  • William Christie captivates us with the magic of his musical expertise and the loving respect for a magnificent score that one must discover without delay.

    Artistikrezo, 2024
  • The Arts Florissants Chorus and Orchestra offer a vibrant array of musical textures.

    Olyrix, 2024
  • The applause meter is the ultimate gauge of success for Medea's comeback at the ONP.

    Forum Opéra, 2024
  • Lea Desandre doesn't portray Medea, she becomes Medea.

    Francetvinfo, 2024

Access and services

Palais Garnier

Place de l'Opéra

75009 Paris

Public transport

Underground Opéra (lignes 3, 7 et 8), Chaussée d’Antin (lignes 7 et 9), Madeleine (lignes 8 et 14), Auber (RER A)

Bus 20, 21, 27, 29, 32, 45, 52, 66, 68, 95, N15, N16

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Car park

Q-Park Edouard VII16 16, rue Bruno Coquatrix 75009 Paris

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With Les Arts Florissants, William Christie was the first to record Médée, in 1984 (harmonia mundi) and again in 1994 (Erato). The conductor and his ensemble teamed up with director Jean-Marie Villégier in 1993 for a production of the opera staged in Caen, Strasbourg and at Paris’ Opéra Comique, before being performed the following year in Lisbon and New York. For the current production, William Christie directs mezzo-soprano Lea Desandre, who brings to the character a vitality and youthfulness matching its dramatic potential.

  • Cloakrooms

    Free cloakrooms are at your disposal. The comprehensive list of prohibited items is available here.

  • Bars

    Reservation of drinks and light refreshments for the intervals is possible online up to 24 hours prior to your visit, or at the bars before each performance.

  • Restaurant

    CoCo is open every day from 12:00 pm to 2:00 am. More information on or at +33 1 42 68 86 80 (reservations).

  • Parking

    You can park your car at the Q-Park Edouard VII. It is located at Rue Bruno Coquatrix 75009 Paris (in front of 23 Rue de Caumartin).


At the Palais Garnier, buy €10 tickets for seats in the 6th category (very limited visibility, two tickets maximum per person) on the day of the performance at the Box offices.

In both our venues, discounted tickets are sold at the box offices from 30 minutes before the show:

  • €35 tickets for under-28s, unemployed people (with documentary proof less than 3 months old) and senior citizens over 65 with non-taxable income (proof of tax exemption for the current year required)
  • €70 tickets for senior citizens over 65

Get samples of the operas and ballets at the Paris Opera gift shops: programmes, books, recordings, and also stationery, jewellery, shirts, homeware and honey from Paris Opera.

Palais Garnier
  • Every day from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and until performances end
  • Get in from Place de l’Opéra or from within the theatre’s public areas
  • For more information: +33 1 53 43 03 97

Palais Garnier

Place de l'Opéra

75009 Paris

Public transport

Underground Opéra (lignes 3, 7 et 8), Chaussée d’Antin (lignes 7 et 9), Madeleine (lignes 8 et 14), Auber (RER A)

Bus 20, 21, 27, 29, 32, 45, 52, 66, 68, 95, N15, N16

Calculate my route
Car park

Q-Park Edouard VII16 16, rue Bruno Coquatrix 75009 Paris

Book your parking spot
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With Les Arts Florissants, William Christie was the first to record Médée, in 1984 (harmonia mundi) and again in 1994 (Erato). The conductor and his ensemble teamed up with director Jean-Marie Villégier in 1993 for a production of the opera staged in Caen, Strasbourg and at Paris’ Opéra Comique, before being performed the following year in Lisbon and New York. For the current production, William Christie directs mezzo-soprano Lea Desandre, who brings to the character a vitality and youthfulness matching its dramatic potential.

  • Cloakrooms

    Free cloakrooms are at your disposal. The comprehensive list of prohibited items is available here.

  • Bars

    Reservation of drinks and light refreshments for the intervals is possible online up to 24 hours prior to your visit, or at the bars before each performance.

  • Restaurant

    CoCo is open every day from 12:00 pm to 2:00 am. More information on or at +33 1 42 68 86 80 (reservations).

  • Parking

    You can park your car at the Q-Park Edouard VII. It is located at Rue Bruno Coquatrix 75009 Paris (in front of 23 Rue de Caumartin).


At the Palais Garnier, buy €10 tickets for seats in the 6th category (very limited visibility, two tickets maximum per person) on the day of the performance at the Box offices.

In both our venues, discounted tickets are sold at the box offices from 30 minutes before the show:

  • €35 tickets for under-28s, unemployed people (with documentary proof less than 3 months old) and senior citizens over 65 with non-taxable income (proof of tax exemption for the current year required)
  • €70 tickets for senior citizens over 65

Get samples of the operas and ballets at the Paris Opera gift shops: programmes, books, recordings, and also stationery, jewellery, shirts, homeware and honey from Paris Opera.

Palais Garnier
  • Every day from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and until performances end
  • Get in from Place de l’Opéra or from within the theatre’s public areas
  • For more information: +33 1 53 43 03 97

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3 min


The true/false story of Charpentier’s Médée

Love, betrayal and revenge… We all know the recipe. But can you unravel the true story of Charpentiers’s Medea ? Over to you!



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