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Slawomir Szychowiak Baritone
Season 24/25 ArtistChorus of the Opera

© Julien Benhamou / OnP


Member of the Chœurs de l'Opéra national de Paris

Born in Poland, Slawomir Szychowiak studied voice and theater at the National Conservatory of Music in Poznan. He won the Student Song Festival in Krakow in 1986 and the Special Prize at the Actors' Song Festival in Wroclaw in 1987. As a soloist, he appeared in several Polish opera productions and TV recordings, including the 1990 film Crazy Girl about George Gershwin and the 1991 film Najdzielniejszy z rycerzy about Krzysztof Penderecki.

In 1993, he moved to France. During the 1995-1996 and 1996-1997 seasons, he was a member of the Chœurs de l'Opéra national de Lyon. He joined the Opéra national de Paris Chorus in 1997, and has since appeared as soloist in a number of productions.

At the Opéra national de Paris: Billy Budd (Arthur Jones), 2001; La Traviata (Commissionario), 2004; La Dame de pique (Narumov), 2005; De la maison des morts (le Pope), 2005; Guerre et Paix (Second German General), 2005; La Juive (le Bourreau), 2007; La Traviata (Domestico), 2007, 2020; La Petite Renarde rusée (the Badger), 2010; La Force du destin (Alcune ordinanze), 2011; Arabella (un serviteur), 2012; Madame Butterfly (Il Commisarrio imperiale), 2015; Capriccio (Acht Diener), 2016; Don Pasquale (un notaro), 2023

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