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Mariam Bombrun Pianist and vocal coach

© Studio J'adore ce que vous faites ! / OnP


Born in Paris, Mariam Bombrun studied piano (Valery Sigalevitch’s class) as well as flute and received in 2013 the Diplomas of Musical Studies (DEM) of Piano and Musical Training at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Paris. She then entered the University of Music and Art in Vienna where she obtained a Master’s degree in Piano Solo in 2020 (classes of Doris Adam and Thomas Kreuzberger) and continued until 2022 a second Master’s degree in Voice Direction (class of Kristin Okerlund).

At the same time, she is taking a postgraduate course in opera repertoire at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna (class of Andreas Henning). She completes this training with masterclasses (Bernard d’Ascoli, Jean-François Heisser, Laurent Cabasso, Heinz Medjimorec, David Aronson and Graham Johnson) and apprenticeships in academies such as the Saluzzo Opera Academy (Alcina - Handel) and the Angelika Prokopp Academy of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (Don Giovanni - Mozart). 

Parallel to her studies and since 2020, she works as Pianist-Conductor for different institutions in Austria: Plus Opera (Hänsel & Gretel - Humperdinck), Volksoper Wien (Rigoletto - Verdi), Oper in der Krypta (Der fliegende Holländer - Wagner and Il Trovatore - Verdi), Neue Oper Wien (Death in Venice - Britten and Proserpina - Rihm), BühneBaden (La Traviata for children - Verdi), Musiktheater Wien e.V. (creation Papusza/Rromano Kidipe - Gaspar) and at the MUK (Master Opera Program under the direction of Niels Muus).

From April to July 2022, she was invited as Pianist and Assistant Chorus Master at the Theater Bremen under the direction of Yoel Gamzou, Marko Letonja and Alice Meragaglia. 

Mariam Bombrun joined the Académie de l’Opéra national de Paris in September 2022.

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