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Emmanuelle Thomas Costume designer


After obtaining a DEUG in Art History, Emmanuelle Thomas opted for a professional course in "Entertainment Clothing", followed by training as a costume designer in Lyon. She has worked with many directors, including Charlie Brozzoni, André Engel, Joël Pommerat and Jean-François Sivadier. She also designed costumes for Franck Andrieux for Haute Surveillance in 2009, Pierre Foviau for Macbeth ou la comédie des sorcières in 2012, and Sara Llorca for Psychose 4.48 in 2015. She joined Wajdi Mouawad's team in 2006 for Forêts, then designed the costumes for Sœurs in 2014, Des Mourants in 2015 and L'Enlèvement au sérail in 2016. In 2016, she joined Guillaume Séverac-Schmitz's team to create the costumes for Richard II, followed by La Duchesse d'Amalfi in 2018 and Derniers remords avant l'oubli in 2020. In 2017, she created the costumes for Tous des oiseaux, Fauves and Mort prématurée d'un chanteur dans la force de l'âge in 2019.

That same year, she worked with Thibault Perrenoud on Hamlet. In September 2020, she takes part in the creation of Exils intérieurs at the Théâtre de la Ville. In February 2021, she designs the costumes for Les Imprudents, directed by Isabelle Lafon. In November 2021, she designs the costumes for Mère, written and directed by Wajdi Mouawad.

In 2022, she designs and creates the costumes for Pour que les vents se lèvent, directed by Catherine Marnas and Nuno Cardoso, and for Racine carré du verbe Être by Wajdi Mouawad. In 2023, she created the costumes for Richard III, directed by Guillaume Séverac-Schmitz, M Comme Médée, directed by Astrid Bayiha, and Kaldun, written and directed by Abdelwahab Sesaf. In 2024, she was engaged for various projects: Näcken for Spat Sonore & Sölta Sälta (Elsa Birgé), Macbeth directed by David Gauchard, La Trilogie new yorkaise adapted from the book by Paul Auster directed by Igor Mendjisky.

At the Opéra national de Paris: Œdipe, 2021

Currently in

  • Opéra Bastille
  • from 28 February to 27 March 2025

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