Decree concerning performances -1780
N°1302. – DECREE concerning performances
Versailles, April 2, 1780 (R.S.C)
“His Majesty expressly forbids any individual, of any rank and station, even officers of his own household, guards, gendarmes, members of the Household Cavalry, Musketeers, His Majesty’s pages, those of the Queen, Princes and Princesses of his blood line, ambassadors, or any others, to enter the Opera without paying… His Majesty forbids all those who attend these performances, and in particular, those located in the stalls, from engaging in any disorderly conduct whilst entering or leaving, from shouting or make excessive noise before the performance and during the intermissions, from hissing or booing, from wearing hats on their heads and from interrupting the actors during performances in any way and under any pretext whatsoever under pain of punishment. […] It is understood that His Majesty desires that there be no priority given to, or places set aside for carriages, and that they must all, without exception or distinction, each wait in line in the order in which they arrive at the theatre entrance whoever may be in them; if anyone, be they officers of His Majesty or others, contravene or prevent by force, or any other means what is above decreed in any way whatsoever, may those who do so be arrested on the spot and taken directly to prison.”