Ulrich Eh Lumières


Ulrich Eh began his career as a lighting designer with Pina Bausch in Wuppertal in 1978. Since 1985, he has worked at the Schiller-Theater in Berlin, the Schauspielhaus in Frankfurt, the Wuppertaler Bühnen, the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus and the Berliner Ensemble, and as a freelance lighting designer, mainly in German theaters.

He has collaborated with directors Robert Wilson, Barrie Kosky, Claus Peymann, Einar Schleef, Jürgen Gosch, Luc Bondy, Leander Hausmann, Peter Zadek, Michael Thalheimer, Frank Castorf, and with set designers Achim Freyer, Karl Ernst Herrmann and Johannes Schütz. He worked on an installation for the "Theban Cycle" by directors Theorodoros Terzopoulos, Tadashi Suzuki, Valery Fokin and Anna Badora (The Bacchae, Oedipus Rex, The Seven Against Thebes, Antigone), presented in Epidaurus and Düsseldorf. He designed the lighting for Boris Godounov at Deutsche Oper am Thein and L'Opéra de quat'sous at the Adelaide Festival.

Debut at the Opéra national de Paris

Currently in

  • Palais Garnier
  • from 21 September 2024 to 12 July 2025

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