Marina Frigeni Assistant director


After graduating as a fashion designer in Italy, Marina Frigeni pursued her professional dance training at the SPID multidisciplinary institute in Milan, graduating as a Tersicorea Lirica e Istruttrice Danza from the Italian Ministry of Education. In Paris, she continued studying classical and contemporary dance with teachers and choreographers such as Wayne Byars, Emmanuelle Lyon, Jean-Christophe Paré, Christine Kono, Martin Kravitz, Christine Bastin, Paco Decina, Anne Koren, Sophie Lessard, François Raffinot, Jean Gaudin, Jacques Patarozzi, Jean-Claude Gallotta, Anne Dreyfuss, Dominique Dupuy, Dominique Mercy, Dominique Duzinsky, Helena Pikon, Carlo Locatelli, Alexandre Münz...

She follows training in the Alwyn Nikolais and William Forsythe methods, as well as Laban movement analysis. In 2017, she obtained the level 1 Teacher training Gyrokinesis certificate. As a dancer, she has worked at the Opéra national de Paris, the Salzburg Festival, the Buenos Aires Theater, the Athens Megaron, La Scala in Milan, in shows by Patrice Chéreau, Luca Ronconi, Herbert Wernicke, Willy Decker, Robert Carsen, Philippe Giraudeau, Giuseppe Frigeni, Robert Fortune, Francesca Zambello, Yannis Kokkos, Laurent Pelly, Jean-Pierre Miquel, Andrei Serban, Jérome Savary, Gilbert Deflo, La Fura dels Baus.

In 1994, she met Robert Wilson in Italy for the installation/performance T.S.E. (music by Philip Glass), and continued her collaboration as a dancer on several international projects. Since 2003, she has collaborated on the staging of La Flûte enchantée, La Femme sans ombre, Orfeo, Le Couronnement de Poppée, Le Retour d'Ulysse dans sa patrie, and has been responsible for the revivals of Madame Butterfly and Pelléas et Mélisande. She also collaborated with Giuseppe Frigeni on staging and choreography for Parthénope, Pascal Dusapin's Passion, La Traviata and Turandot.

At the Opéra national de Paris: Madame Butterfly, 2019

Currently in

  • Opéra Bastille
  • from 14 September to 25 October 2024

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