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  • Between   and 

Frequently asked questions

  • Are there any specific advantages for young people?

    The Pass' Jeunes: sold in limited quantities at the beginning of the season for €20 and specially designed for the under-28s, it allows them, among other advantages, to benefit from preferential rates on a selection of performances at the Paris Opera and the Comédie-Française.

    Young people's subscriptions: reserved for the under-28s, these attractive packages combine performances in 4th category seats at the Palais Garnier and 8th category seats at the Opéra Bastille.

    Last minute rates: All young people under 28 years of age benefit from a preferential rate on last minute tickets still available at the Paris Opera box office, at the latest 30 minutes before the curtain rises (€35 for operas, €25 for ballets and recitals, €10 for Sunday chamber music concerts). Holders of the Pass' Jeunes have priority purchase for these tickets.

    Young Audience Pre-Openings: young people under 28 have the opportunity to attend pre-opening performances of a selection of new productions and creations at the preferential rate of €10.

    Culture Pass: Culture Pass holders benefit from offers throughout the season via the dedicated application.

  • How do I book a visit to the Opéra Bastille or Palais Garnier?

    Opéra Bastille: You can consult the conditions for visits here.
    Palais Garnier: You can book at the ticket office, at the automatic terminals or online.

    The entrance ticket includes access to the public areas including the Opera's Library-Museum, the Rotonde des Abonnés and the Bassin de la Pythie, the Grand Escalier, the Grand Foyer and the Avant Foyer, the Salons de la lune et du soleil, the Rotonde du Glacier and its tapestries.
    Access to the auditorium may be restricted or impossible for technical and/or artistic reasons.
    Do not forget to consult the exceptional closing days.

  • Various

     The Paris Opera recommends that spectators and visitors maintain the use of masks and barrier gestures.

    Spectators and visitors with tickets that cannot go to the Paris Opera for reasons related to Covid-19 can contact the Spectator Service, provided that they come forward before the date of the performance or visit.

    Information : by phone at +33 1 73 60 23 23, Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., or by mail at for spectators or for visitors.

  • I am a subscriber to the 24/25 season of the Paris Opera. How can I benefit from the discount price?

    A few days after subscribing to the current season of the Paris Opera, you will receive a promotional code by email. You will be able to subscribe to the annual subscription plan on POP and enter this discount code which will entitle you to the price advantage reserved for Paris Opera subscribers.

  • Can I join a live show if the broadcast has already started?

    Yes, you can join a live show even if it has already started.

    You can launch the live show, and from the player, go back in time on the progress bar until you find the beginning of the show.

  • When is the replay of the live show released?

    The replay of the live show is published on Paris Opera Play the day after the live broadcast, and available for 7 days after the live show.

    The replay is only available to subscribers or to people who have rented the live show.

  • What if the live show doesn't start?

    If you are unable to view a live show, here is the procedure to follow:

    - Wait a moment. Live shows sometimes start a little later than the time indicated.

    - Check your Internet connection. The site may be working, but your connection may not be stable enough to view the live show.

    If you can't connect after doing all of this, email us at

  • Can I subscribe to POP or rent a live show if the broadcast has already started?

    Yes, you can subscribe or rent the live show even if it has already started.

  • Are live performances included in my POP subscription?

    Yes, your POP subscription gives you access to all live performances. To view the live show, you must have an active subscription.

  • The live show I rented has been cancelled, how can I get my money back?

    The broadcast or replay release of a live performance may be cancelled at the discretion of the Paris Opera for technical or artistic reasons, in the event of an incident occurring during the performance or if said performance were cancelled.

    For people who have signed up for a subscription, which includes access to all audiovisual content, no specific refund will be made. 

    For people who have rented a pay-per-view live performance, the amount of the rental will be refunded if the release of the cancelled performance is not rescheduled.

  • Is there any content available for children?

    We offer a regularly updated selection of shows for young audiences:

    As for the other performances, a warning message "Some scenes may offend the sensibility of young audiences" precedes the synopsis of shows that are not suitable for young audiences.

  • What are the benefits of a subscription?

  • Reduced prices depending on the selected shows, discounts on performance programmes purchased with the subscription, discounts on tours of the Palais Garnier and the Opéra Bastille, discounts on gift shop purchases and at CoCo, the restaurant.

  • Priority booking on all shows of the season; the possibility to book extra tickets for dates picked while subscribing online; the possibility to book tickets to extra shows without having to refer to the booking calendar.

  • Special benefits: free exchange of your subscription tickets depending on availability, payment facilities, dedicated phone number and email address, invitations to exclusive events, special offers at our cultural partners’, a 50% discount on the yearly subscription to Paris Opera Play, our streaming service.*
    *A few days after subscribing to the current season of the Paris Opera, you will receive a promotional code by email. You will be able to subscribe to the annual subscription plan on POP and enter this discount code which will entitle you to the price advantage reserved for Paris Opera subscribers.
  • On how many devices can I log in with my account at the same time?

    You can connect on up to 2 devices simultaneously with the same account.

  • When will my subscription be renewed?

    Unless you cancel your subscription, it will be tacitly renewed:

    - in the case of a monthly subscription, automatic renewal takes place once a month from the initial subscription date; if you have benefited from a 7-day free trial period, then the initial subscription date is equivalent to the 7th day of the free trial.

    - In the case of an annual subscription, the automatic renewal takes place once a year on the anniversary of the subscription date; if you have benefited from a 7-day free trial period, then the initial subscription date is equivalent to the 7th day of the free trial.

    The renewal date of the annual or monthly subscription is always indicated in the "My Account" section and corresponds to the next billing date.

  • What are the terms of refund?

    In the event of a subscription termination, no refunds will be issued. You will have access to the service until the end of the paid billing period.

    If you have rented a pay-per-view live show without being a subscriber, you can benefit from a refund only if the show is cancelled and is not retransmitted on another date. See dedicated section.

  • When can I rent a live show?

    It is possible to rent the live show as soon as it is published and put on sale on Paris Opera Play, before its live broadcast. It is also possible to rent the live show once the broadcast has started.

    After the end of the live show, it is possible to rent the replay up to 24 hours after the start of the live show. 24 hours after the start of the live show, the replay is no longer available for pay-per-view rental; only subscribers or people who have already rented the live performance can watch the replay.

  • On which time zone are live shows scheduled?

    Live shows are scheduled on Paris local time.

  • What kind of content is available on Paris Opera Play?

    Paris Opera Play offers a selection of ballets, operas and concerts, live and on demand. Latest releases, great classics from the Paris Opera repertoire, original works... the shows are arranged in several thematic playlists that you will find in the "Catalogue" page.

    Exclusive POP content such as documentaries and masterclasses are also available to take look behind the scenes. 

    On each show page, you can also watch bonus videos about the show.

  • Where can I find information about upcoming video releases?

    To receive the latest news from Paris Opera Play and be informed about new video releases, you can subscribe to the monthly POP newsletter from "My account" in the "My newsletter preferences" section. You will receive a monthly email with the newly added content.

  • How often is new content released on Paris Opera Play?

    POP's catalogue is updated every month with new performances, new live shows, new documentaries or masterclasses. New content is usually published at the beginning of the month.

  • How do I subscribe to POP on Orange TV set-top-boxes?

    Since 8 November 2023, if you are an Orange TV customer, you can subscribe to a monthly subscription to Paris Opera Play (POP) at €9.90 per month from channel 109 of your Orange TV set-top box* in order to enjoy the POP catalogue on your TV.

    For technical reasons, subscribing to the POP website does not give access to the POP subscription on Orange TV, and vice versa. The monthly subscription to POP on the website and the monthly subscription to POP on Orange TV are two distinct offers and two distinct technical environments.

    The video catalogue and the price of the monthly POP subscription on Orange TV are identical to those of the POP website.

    In the event of a technical issue with the POP application on Orange TV, you can contact Orange Customer Service.

    *Option subject to conditions reserved for Orange TV internet telephone customers subject to technical eligibility.

  • How to subscribe to POP institutional offer?

    The POP institutional subscription is designed for private or public organizations wishing to offer POP access to their members. Universities, libraries, conservatories committees, associations... can take out a POP subscription for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months, renewable upon request.

    To  take out an institutional subscription, please contact us by filling in this form

  • My institution has subscribed to POP and sent me an access code. How to use it?

    To use the access code, please follow the steps below:

    - Go to the code activation page

    - If you neither have a POP account nor an account, please enter your access code and click on CONFIRM AND SIGN UP

    - If you already have a POP account or an account on, please enter your access code and click on CONFIRM AND SIGN IN with your usual login details (email and password).

    You will then be able to access all our content on the device of your choice.

  • What types of institutions can subscribe to POP institutional offer?

    Any type of institution, public or private, such as schools, conservatories, libraries, hospitals, retirement homes or companies, can susbcribe to POP institutional subscription.

  • Does POP institutional subscription include public screening license ?

    The institutional subscription includes public screening license to organize videoprojections inside the venue under three conditions:

    - Screening must be streamed from the POP website which requires a good internet connection (video files download not included)

    - The screening must be free for the audience

    - It must be held as part of cultural and artistic education programs set up either by the French Ministries of Culture, Foreign Affairs, Education, Health and Defense, or by cultural or educational organizations.

  • What performances and videos are featured in POP catalogue ?

    The institutional subscription gives unlimited access to the entire POP catalogue, i.e. over 160 videos:

    - recordings of ballets, operas and concerts from the repertoire

    - live broadcasts of the current season's performances

    - behind-the-scenes documentaries, following the creation of a show and discovering the institution's artists and artisans

    - masterclasses and filmed rehearsals with the Paris Opera Ballet and Dance School

    - bonus features on each show page (artist interviews, opera booklets).

    The catalog is enriched every month. 

    For a quick overview of the catalog in table form, click here

  • Which categories can I subscribe to?

    The seating section for the Palais Garnier will depend on the seating section selected for the Opéra Bastille, as per the following correlation table:

    There are 5 seating sections at the Palais Garnier and 9 at the Opéra Bastille.
    By booking your tickets on, you can check the view from your seat. 

  • Who can I contact if I have a problem/question about the Ticket Exchange?

    You can contact the Spectator Service by email:

  • What is the Under 28 subscription?

    The Under 28 subscription is a monthly subscription reserved for people under 28 years old, with a -50% discount compared to the normal monthly subscription.

    It is possible to benefit from this subscription at a preferential rate until the day before your 29th birthday.

    A proof of age is required to verify your eligibility.

  • I have a live performance rental ongoing, can I subscribe to one of the POP subscription plans?

    Yes, you can still subscribe to POP. The live performance that you have currently rented on a pay-per-view basis will be included in the subscription as well. The price paid for the rental will not be deducted from the price of the new subscription.

  • Where can I purchase the performance programme?

    You can purchase your programme voucher at the same time as your tickets on the Opera's website or at our theatre box offices. You can redeem your voucher with the programme vendors on the day of the performance or as of the first performance of the production concerned.
    You can also buy the programme on the spot when you come to the performance.

  • How can I subscribe to the Under 28 subscription?

    To subscribe to the Under 28 subscription, click on "Subscribe" on the top right-hand corner, then choose the Under 28 subscription. A 7-day trial period will be available when you first subscribe.

    You will be prompted to create an account or log in if you already have one. If you already have an account on the Paris Opera website, you can use your login and password to connect to Paris Opera Play.

    To benefit from this special discount for young people, you will then be asked to provide a proof of age to verify your eligibility to the offer.

  • How can I watch a show on Paris Opera Play?

    You must first subscribe to watch any show. For live performances, you can access them either by having a subscription or by renting the live performance (pay-per-view). See dedicated sections.

    Once you have subscribed to the plan that suits you best, you will be able to view all the shows of your choice on Paris Opera Play - make sure to be logged in to your account first. Simply go to the different pages of the website and select the show by clicking on it.

  • How many people are considered a group?

    You are considered a group if you purchase a minimum of 10 seats per performance.

  • Can I watch the videos without offline?

    It is not possible to watch Paris Opera Play videos without an Internet connection.

  • Culture Pass: how can I subscribe to POP with the pass Culture?

    Pass Culture holders can take advantage of a 3-month discovery offer on POP. All you have to do is subscribe directly via the Culture pass by following this link.

    This discovery offer is equivalent to a 3-month POP monthly subscription for under 28s, i.e. €14.85.

    For legal reasons, only adult beneficiaries (aged 18 and over) can subscribe to digital offers via the pass Culture.

  • I can't download my tickets

    You must have Acrobat Reader software installed. You can download and print your tickets from your personal space on, by clicking on "Sign in" and going to "My Orders". If you are unable to do so, please send an email to

  • What is Paris Opera Play (POP)?

    Paris Opera Play (POP) is the streaming platform of the Opéra national de Paris. It is a website that allows you to watch online the performances of the Opéra national de Paris as well as other audiovisual contents proposed by the institution.

  • Can I subscribe to the Under 28 plan if I'm close to 29 years old?

    It is still possible to get the Under 28 subscription if you are approaching 29 years old. The Under 28 plan is automatically renewed on the next billing date following your 29th birthday at full price (unless you cancel before).

  • Is there a cloakroom?

    You can leave your belongings in the cloakrooms located on various levels of both theatres (free of charge) during the performances. The cloakrooms are closed during visiting hours. Travel bags, suitcases, pushchairs, kick scooters and skateboards are not allowed on the premises.

  • Why subscribe to Paris Opera Play?

    Paris Opera Play allows you to discover the magic of the Paris Opera from home, wherever you are in the world. By subscribing to POP, you have unlimited access to all the performances broadcast on the platform, including the season's live performances. POP also offers privileged access to the Paris Opera backstage through documentaries, interviews or masterclasses with the artists.

  • Your personal space

    Your personal space is accessible from our website using your usual login and password.
    It will allow you, among other things, to consult your personal offers, to book your performance tickets and to download or print your tickets.

  • How to subscribe and create an account on Paris Opera Play?

    In order to create an account on, click on the "My account" icon on the top right-hand corner of the website. You will be redirected to the login form:

    - If you already have an account on the Paris Opera website, or already have an account on l'Opéra chez soi, then you can directly connect with your usual credentials (login/password) without having to create a new account on Paris Opera Play.

    - Otherwise, go to the bottom of the login form, find the section "You don’t have an account yet?" and click on "Create an account". This will take you to the account creation form. Only your first name, last name, email address and password will be required to finalize the creation of your account.

  • How to get to the performance?

    Check the time and place of your performance.

    Palais Garnier: Place de l'Opéra, 75009 Paris
    Metro: Opéra (lines 3, 7 and 8), Chaussée d'Antin (lines 7 and 9) Madeleine (lines 8 and 14), Auber (RER A)

    Bus: 20, 21, 22, 27, 29, 42, 52, 66, 68, 81, 95

    Parking: Q-Park Edouard VII - Rue Bruno Coquatrix 75009 Paris (opposite 23 Rue de Caumartin)

    Reserve your space in this car park

    Opéra Bastille: Place de la Bastille, 75012 Paris
    Metro: Bastille lines 1, 5 and 8, RER Gare de Lyon
    Bus: 20, 29, 65, 69, 76, 86, 87, 91
    Parking: Q-Park Opéra Bastille - 34 rue de Lyon 75012 Paris

    Book your space in this car park

  • What time should you arrive?

    Check the venue (Palais Garnier, Opéra Bastille or partner theatre) and the performance time. It is recommended that you arrive 45 minutes before the start of the performance, as bag checks and health pass checks can increase the time taken to enter the auditorium. Certain performances are preceded by mini-concerts or lectures: please refer to the page presenting the performance (internet, brochure).

  • Are there any reduced rates?

    All young people under 28, spectators over 65 and jobseekers (documentary proof required) benefit from a preferential rate on last-minute tickets still available at the Palais Garnier and Opéra Bastille box offices, at the latest 30 minutes before curtain up.

    For young people under 28, jobseekers and non-taxable spectators over 65:
    - €35 for an opera ticket.
    - €25 for ballet and concert/recital tickets.
    - €10 for a Sunday chamber music concert.

    For spectators over 65 years of age:
    - €70 for an opera ticket.
    - €40 for ballet and concert/recital tickets.

    - €15 for a Sunday chamber music concert.

    Excluding young audience pre-openings and special evenings.
    Pass' Jeunes holders have priority purchase for these tickets as do spectators who enjoy no discount.

  • Where can I collect my tickets?

    If you have chosen the "contrôle" collection method, we invite you to collect your tickets from the general information desk of the Opéra Garnier located on the right as you enter and from counter n°2 at the Opéra Bastille, using your order number and as of 45 minutes before the beginning of the performance.

    If your performance is scheduled in another theatre, we invite you to collect your tickets as of 45 minutes before the start of the performance.

  • How can I connect with Facebook?

    In order to use this option, you must first have a Facebook account.

    To connect with Facebook, click on the "My Account" icon in the top right-hand corner, then choose the "Facebook" option. You will then have to fill in the login details of your Facebook account and authorize the sharing of your email address, otherwise the connection will not work.

    If you created your Facebook account with a phone number (not an email address) as your login, then please consider adding an email address to your Facebook account first.

  • I have not received my tickets

    If you have chosen to have your tickets sent by post, they will be dispatched within 3 working days of your order (excluding subscriptions). If you have not received your tickets three days before the performance, please send an email to

  • How can I delete my Paris Opera Play account ?

    To permanently delete your Paris Opera Play account, go to the "My Account" section (click on the "My Account" icon on the top right-hand corner) and then to the "My personal information" tab. At the bottom of the page, you will find a "Cancel my account" section that will redirect you to the Paris Opera website.

    Indeed, to delete your POP account, you must delete your Paris Opera account. Once you are on the Paris Opera website, log in to your personal space using the login details of your POP account.

    Then click on your login at the top right and select the "My information" section. You will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to initiate the deletion.

  • Instructions for use

    If you have a paperless voucher, you must download it before you can use it. The voucher code is printed on the ticket.
    You can book at the box office, by telephone on 08 92 89 90 90 (€0.35 incl. tax/min. from a landline, Monday to Saturday from 9am to 7pm, except public holidays) or on the internet by quoting your gift voucher code at the "Summary" stage of your order.
    Vouchers cannot be returned or exchanged and cannot be extended.

  • What are the subscription plans on Paris Opera Play?

    Paris Opera Play comes with 3 different subscription plans:

    - a monthly subscription for 9,90€ per month.

    - an annual subscription for 99€ per year.

    - a monthly subscription "Under 28 years old" for 4,95€ per month - see dedicated section.

    All subscriptions give access to the whole Paris Opera Play catalogue, including live events. New subscribers are offered a 7-day free trial to discover the service.

  • Do I have to print my ticket if it has already been downloaded onto my Smartphone?

    No. Only programme vouchers need to be printed. If you have chosen to download your tickets onto your Smartphone, you do not need to print them. Simply present your e-ticket for inspection at the entrance to the theatre.

  • How to subscribe?

    To subscribe, click on "Subscribe" on the top right-hand corner. Then choose the subscription that suits you best. A 7-day free trial period is available for all subscriptions when you subscribe for the first time.

    You will be prompted to create an account or log in if you already have one. If you already have an account on the Paris Opera website, you can use your login and password to connect to Paris Opera Play.

  • How do I contact the Lost and Found Department?

    For lost and found items at the Opéra Bastille, contact 01 40 01 17 17 from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.

    For Palais Garnier lost property, contact 01 40 01 80 80 from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.

  • How to access the official Paris Opera Ticket Exchange?

    To consult the available tickets, go to the Ticket Exchange accessible here.
    If you wish to resell your ticket, you must use your usual login and password and then go to the ticket list, also accessible here.

  • Can I change my subscription?

    It is possible for a subscriber to change his or her subscription plan.

    If you switch from a monthly subscription to an annual subscription, then the new annual subscription will take effect on the same day. The amount already paid for the current monthly subscription will be deducted from the amount debited on the same day for the annual Subscription.

    If you switch from an annual subscription to a monthly subscription, then the new monthly subscription will take effect on the same day. The pro rata of the amount already paid for the current annual Subscription will be deducted from the next monthly billing cycles.

  • I have received an email informing me that the payment for my booking has not been validated. What is the reason for this? Do I have to repeat the booking from the beginning?

    There are several reasons why your payment may not have been validated: a momentary interruption in the connection between the Opera's website and the credit card server, between the credit card server and your bank, an error in entering the number, expiry date or security code, a monthly limit being exceeded, etc. We cannot determine the exact cause of the non-validation of your payment.
    When an order is not validated, the tickets are automatically put back on sale. We invite you to check beforehand in your personal space under the heading "My tickets" whether your order appears and, if necessary, to renew your reservation.

  • How can I buy Paris Opera Play as a gift to someone?

    You can offer your loved ones a POP gift card. There are 4 gift card formulas

    - 3, 6 or 12-month subscription gift cards giving unlimited access to the entire catalog (including live shows)

    - gift card valid only for the live show of your choice 

    Once you have ordered your gift card, you will receive an email with a PDF gift card that you can print out or email to the person you wish to give it to. 

    There is no automatic renewal of the subscription when it is a gift card. 

  • Can I use the Ticket Exchange to resell my ticket?

    Yes, however, the subscriber who paid for the tickets resold will be credited with the amount of the sale.

  • What is the 7-day free trial period?

    Seven days of free trial are offered for any new subscription to POP (this offer is dedicated to people who have never subscribed to POP) in order to discover POP.

    During this free trial, you may cancel your subscription free of charge at any time. At the end of the trial period, you are automatically debited from the amount of the subscription, unless you cancel it before the term.

  • Connection problems, loss of password

    We suggest that you use the Mozilla Firefox or Chrome browsers for optimal use of our website. If you have lost or forgotten your password, please click on forgotten password on the login page. You can contact the Spectator Service in case of problems:

    Do not hesitate to update the application on your smartphone or to delete the browsing history on your computer if you encounter difficulties.

  • How can I cancel my subscription?

    You can cancel your subscription at any time. To do so, go to POP website in your personal space (click on the "My account" pictogram at the top right), click on the "Manage my subscription" tab and then click on the "Cancel my subscription" button.

    - If you are in the 7-day free trial, the subscription will end without any charge at the end of the seven days. You can continue to enjoy the videos until the trial period is over.

    - If you are a subscriber (outside of the free trial period), the subscription will end at the end of the current billing period, i.e. at the end of the month or year already paid. You can continue to enjoy the videos until the termination is effective.

    No refunds will be given in case of cancelation.

  • Are some videos available for free?

    Today, the entire POP video catalogue is included in the subscription. Most of the free videos are available on the Paris Opera's social networks, especially on Youtube. However, it will be occasionally possible to watch free videos on POP during specific events.

  • Is it possible to change the names on the tickets?

    No. However, tickets are not nominative. 

  • How can I login to Paris Opera Play?

    To login to, click on the "My account" icon at the top right-hand corner. You must first have an account (or use option "Facebook" to connect with Facebook - see dedicated section):

    - If you already have a Paris Opera account (on, use your username and password to access the Paris Opera Play website.

    - If you don’t have an account yet, create your account by clicking on “Sign up” at the top right-hand corner of - see dedicated section.

    If you’re having trouble login to your Paris Opera Play account, follow the below instructions:

    - Make sure you are using the correct account credentials (email and password used for registration). Note that the email address used for your account is the one you received your registration confirmation on.

    - Try again later. Temporary network or connection issues may cause some connection problems.

    - If you are a new subscriber, please check your emails to see if you’ve received a registration confirmation email. Your registration may not have been completed and so you may not be registered yet.

    If you still can't log in after those steps, send us an email at

  • I bought my tickets from my works council, my group of friends, an association, can I use the Exchange to resell them?

    No. Members of a group (CSE, association, group of friends, school groups) must contact the holder of the initial order (the group representative) if they wish to put their ticket(s) on sale. Only the person who placed the order will be credited with the sale.

  • I bought my tickets through a ticketing/travel agency, can I use the Ticket Exchange to sell them?

    No. Customers of the Paris Opera's commercial partners (ticketing agencies, distributors, TOs) cannot re-sell their tickets on the Exchange.

  • Any other questions?

    Do not hesitate to contact our advisors by phone at 08 92 89 90 90 (0,35 € TTC/min from a landline excluding possible operator charges) or + 33 1 71 25 24 23 from abroad from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 7pm, except public holidays, or by email at

  • Can I exchange my tickets?

    For a fee of €10 per seat, you can exchange tickets for another date of the same production (subject to availability) up to 48 hours before the performance date (5 working days for groups). Details on 08 92 89 90 90 (€0.35 incl. tax/min. from a fixed line, excluding operator charges) or on + 33 1 71 25 24 23 from abroad, Monday to Saturday from 9am to 7pm.

  • I received a discount code / coupon, how can I use it?

    To use your discount code, remember to look carefully at the terms and conditions that were sent to you with the code (expiration date, maximum number of uses, eligible product...).

    To use a promotional code on a subscription plan, you can :

    - go to and act as if you wanted to subscribe to the subscription concerned by the promotional code and begin the ordering process

    - you will be asked to log in (if you already have an account on the website, you can use the same login and password) or to create your account on POP

    - you will arrive on the payment form: on the left of the form, below the order summary, you can enter your promotional code and click on OK. The discounted price you are receiving will be displayed instantly.

    The promotional code does not work and you see the error message "Enter a valid discount code or gift card" ? Remember to check the terms and conditions that were sent to you with the code. It is possible that the code's expiration date has passed, or that you are using a code that is only eligible on another product.

    In the case of a free trial period, the discounted rate will apply from the first withdrawal at the end of the 7-day period.

    Promotional codes for subscriptions are not valid for live pay-per-view rentals, and vice versa.

    To use a promo code on a live, pay-per-view rental, you can:

    - go to the page of the live show for which the promotional code is being used and click on the "RENT" button to begin the checkout process

    - you will be asked to log in (if you already have an account on the website, you can use the same login and password) or to create your account on POP

    - you will arrive on the payment form: on the left of the form, below the order summary, you can enter your promotional code and click on OK. The discounted price you are receiving will be displayed instantly.

    The promotional code does not work and you see the error message "Enter a valid discount code or gift card"? Remember to check the terms and conditions that were sent to you with the code. It could be that the code's expiration date has passed, or that you are using a code that is only eligible on another product.

    Promotional codes for pay-per-view live rental are not valid on subscriptions, and vice versa.

  • Can tickets to be collected from the information desk be collected a few days before the performance?

    If your tickets are to be collected from the information desk, they are only available on the day of the performance, as of 45 minutes before the start of the performance: at counter n°2 at the Opéra Bastille or at the general information desk in the Palais Garnier (located in the theatres' foyers).

  • How can I change my payment methods?

    To change your payment methods, you must go to your personal space (click on the pictogram at the top right-hand corner "My Account"), in the "Manage my subscription" tab, then in the "My payment methods" section. This section is only displayed in your account if you have already subscribed to a subscription plan at least once in the past.

    If you already have a payment method registered, you can only delete it if you add another one first. You can also change your preferred payment method.

    To delete all your payment methods, your subscription must be permanently terminated.

  • What happens if I arrive late?

    The auditorium doors are closed as soon as the curtain rises. The theatre doors close 15 minutes after the start of the performance and reopen at the interval if the performance includes one.
    If you arrive within 15 minutes of the start of the performance, you will not be allowed to enter the auditorium and will be directed to the TV areas where you can watch the first part of the performance. You will be able to go to your seats during the interval if the performance includes one.

  • Where can I find the shows I have rented?

    Only live shows can be rented on a pey-per-view basis on POP. You will be able to find your rented live performance on Paris Opera Play in your personal space (click on the pictogram at the top right-hand corner "My Account"), in the section "My rentals" or on the home page of the website in the section "My current rentals".

  • When can I book if I am not a season ticket holder?

    Seats can be purchased according to the booking schedule. On booking opening days, from 12 noon onwards, sales on and by telephone (on 08 92 89 90 90, €0.35 ttc/min from a fixed line excluding operator charges or +33 1 71 25 24 23 if you are calling from abroad) and at the Palais Garnier and Opéra Bastille box offices (regardless of the performance venue for which you wish to book).

  • Where can I find my payment history and transaction receipts?

    You will be able to find the receipts of the subscription transactions made on Paris Opera Play in your personal space (click on the pictogram on the top right-hand corner "My Account"), go to the "Manage my subscription" tab, and to the "Payment history" section.

    Only the receipts of the last 12 months are available. You can download them in the PDF format.

    For pay-per-view rentals, invoices are not available on the website. You can contact us to receive them.

  • Do I need to create a Paris Opera Play account if I already have a Paris Opera account?

    Your Paris Opera account allows you to access POP. You can use the same username and password to login to both websites and

  • Are my seats next to each other (even/odd)?

    Even-numbered seats are located stage-left (2, 4, 6, 8... i.e. on the right when looking at the stage) and odd-numbered seats stage-right (1, 3, 5, 7...). Thus seats 2, 4, 6, 8... follow each other in the same row. At the Opéra Bastille, they meet in the centre at seats 1 and 2.

  • I forgot my password, what should I do?

    If you have forgotten your password, you must start a password recovery procedure:

    - If you are logged in, log out by clicking on the pictogram at the top right-hand corner "My Account", then "Log out". Once you are logged out, click again on the pictogram at the top right-hand corner "My Account", then click on "Forgot your password?" link just below the login form. You will receive an email to reset your password. 

    - If you are not logged in, click on the "My Account" icon on the top right corner, then click on the "Forgot your password?" link just below the login form. You will receive an email to reset your password.

  • Specific information for choreographic performances at the Opéra Bastille

    At the Opéra Bastille, the dancers' feet are only visible from the 5th row of the Parterre.

  • I entered an incorrect email address when I signed in

    If you entered an incorrect email address when creating your account, click on “Contact us” at the bottom of the page on to inform us of your issue.

  • From what age are children admitted?

    Children may attend performances in the main auditoriums (Bastille and Garnier) from the age of 5. You must book a ticket for the performance: there are preferential rates for under-28s only on last minute tickets still available at the Paris Opera box office, at the latest 30 minutes before the curtain rises.
    As some performances are not suitable for young children, we advise you to check the content and duration of the performance before booking. Our advisors are at your disposal to provide further information.
    The "Young Audience" season at the Bastille Amphitheatre presents about sixty performances per year at a price of €16 for adults and €5 for children under 13. We invite you to consult the programme here.

  • Why can't certain tickets be put back on sale?

    Gift vouchers, programme vouchers, performance gift packs, Pass' Jeunes, Pass' Académie, Pass' Duo, Pass' Famille and all tickets requiring proof of age (young people under-28 rate, disabled person's rate, under-40s' rate, etc.) cannot be put on sale on the official ticket exchange.
    Tickets purchased on the Ticket Exchange cannot be re-sold.

  • Can I buy or rent a video?

    It is not possible to purchase a video on POP for an infinite amount of time. It is possible to rent live shows on a pay-per-view model, or to subscribe to view unlimited shows during the subscription period.

  • How can I exchange my tickets if I am a subscriber?

    Subscribers can exchange tickets free of charge for another date of the same production up to 48 working hours before the date of the performance or for another production up to one month before the date of the performance being exchanged, subject to availability (a fee of €10 per seat is charged for exchanges made between one month and 48 hours before the date of the performance).

  • When to subscribe?

    Subscribers have priority booking and can subscribe as soon as the season is launched on, by mail or at the box office by appointment.

  • How much time do I have to watch a video?

    If you are a subscriber, you can watch programs from the POP catalogue (excluding live performances) as long as they are online. However, the programs available on the site depend on the rights acquired by the Paris Opera from the rights owners. It is therefore possible that one or more programs may no longer be available after a certain period and/or may not be available in all countries.

    Live shows can be watched during the live show and replayed for 7 days after the live show.

  • What is the credit balance?

    The credit balance is a special reserve account in your personal space, into which the Paris Opera may deposit an amount owed to you (sale of a ticket on the Exchange, cancellation of a performance...). This balance can be used for any online purchase or transferred to your bank account by entering your bank details (BIC and IBAN) in your personal space.

  • Can I watch videos on POP anywhere in the world?

    Yes, Paris Opera Play is accessible worldwide, except in People's Republic of China.

    Note that each show may exceptionally be blocked in one or more countries due to copyright and other clearance issues. If this is the case, an error message will be displayed when you launch the video to let you know.

  • Can I donate my ticket?

    The sales price of the ticket is freely determined by the seller and must not exceed the initial value. A purchase and sale fee is applied, which means that a ticket cannot be bought at no cost.

  • Can I download videos available on Paris Opera Play?

    It is not possible to download videos on Paris Opera Play.

  • Are the operas surtitled?

    The Palais Garnier and the Opéra Bastille are equipped with surtitles in French and English.
    Surtitles are not visible from all seats (information at the time of purchase online or to be checked with the sales representative by telephone or at the box office).

  • What should I do if the video does not play?

    First, make sure you are logged in to the platform (with your login and password) and have an active subscription. 

    Then, check your internet connection to make sure you have the minimum required download speed. If the video does not play even though you have a good internet connection, please contact the support team by clicking on "Contact us" at the bottom of the page on

  • I bought a ticket on the Exchange, how can I obtain my ticket?

    Tickets can be collected from your personal space on, under the heading "My tickets". They are available in a format suitable for printing on paper and in a version designed for your mobile phone screen.

  • Do the videos include subtitles?

    Yes, most of the videos offer subtitles in French and English. To turn on subtitles, play the video then click on the “Subtitles” menu icon at the bottom right of the video and choose from the available languages.

    You can also change the appearance of subtitles on your devices to choose your ideal playback experience. To do so :

    - while watching a video, click on the Subtitles menu icon at the bottom right corner of your screen

    - click on the Settings button to pull up the subtitle styling settings

    - make any style adjustments (the font colour and size) then click on the back arrow to continue watching

  • How do I obtain the proceeds of the sale?

    The proceeds of the sale will be credited to the credit card used for the online purchase. In all other cases (payment at box offices, by cheque, etc.), the sale proceeds are paid into the seller's credit balance, which is available in the seller's personal space on, under the heading "My available credit". This balance can be used for any online purchase or credited to the seller's bank account by entering the bank details (BIC and IBAN) in the personal area.

  • Do I have access to the opera libretto when I watch the video?

    Yes, a libretto is available for each opera, available only with a subscription or after the renting the live performance. You will find it at the bottom of the show page.

  • How do I book lower category tickets?

    6th category seats at the Palais Garnier (€10 seats with highly limited visibility) are sold on the day of the performance, only at the Palais Garnier box office, with a limit of 2 seats per person.

    9th category seats at the Opéra Bastille and 5th category seats at the Palais Garnier (reduced visibility) are generally sold at the Opéra Bastille and Palais Garnier box offices, according to the booking opening calendar.

  • On which devices can I watch a video?

    You can watch performances from the internet website, on your smartphone, tablet and computer. You can also watch videos on your TV (see dedicated section).

    Here are the basic system requirements for accessing the website:

    A device running either:

    Microsoft Windows 10 or 11

    MacOS 13 (or later version)

    iOS 16 (or later version)

    Android 13 (or later version)

    One of the following supported internet browsers:

    Chrome 118 (or higher version)

    Firefox 118 (or higher version)

    Microsoft Edge Chromium 118 (or higher version)

    Safari 16 (or higher version)

    POP can be used on older environments, but we cannot guarantee trouble-free operation.

    Please note: There is no POP mobile app, only an internet website accessible from all the devices listed above.

  • I don't want to sell my ticket anymore, what should I do?

    The sale of tickets can be cancelled at any time (if the purchase has not been made in the meantime) in your personal space, under "My tickets".

  • How can I watch a video on my TV?

    Here are the different possibilities to play a video on your TV:


    If you own an Apple device (Mac computer, iPhone or iPad), you can project your screen onto your television (on your Apple TV or AirPlay 2 compatible smart TV) using Airplay.

    As POP is a mobile website and not an iOS mobile application, subtitles are not supported by Apple when you use Airplay. Airplay is therefore not recommended for viewing operas (except during live broadcasts, as the subtitles are embedded in the image).

    How does Airplay work?

    From your iPhone, iPad or Mac:

    ▪ Connect your Apple device and the device to which you wish to stream content via AirPlay to the same Wi-Fi network.

    ▪ Go to the Paris Opera Play website and start playing a programme.

    ▪ On the player, click on the AirPlay symbol and then select the TV screen to which you wish to stream the video from the list of available AirPlay devices.

    ▪ Your show will be broadcast to your TV screen!

    ▪ More details on:


    Do you have a TV equipped with a Chromecast box or with Chromecast built-in? Use the Chrome browser on your computer (PC or Mac) or Android smartphone/tablet to project your screen onto your TV. Chromecast projection from the Chrome browser on an iPhone/iPad is not supported by Apple/Chromecast.

    How does it work?

    From your computer (Mac or PC) or Android smartphone/tablet, go to the Chrome browser:

    ▪ Connect your device and the Chromecast to which you want to stream content to the same Wi-Fi network.

    ▪ Go to the POP site and start playing a video

    ▪ In the player, click on the "Caster" symbol, then select the TV screen you want to stream the video to from the list of available devices.

    ▪ Your show is broadcast to your TV screen!

    ▪ More details on:

    HDMI cable: 

    You can use a HDMI cable to share your computer screen (Mac or PC) on your TV.

    Orange TV :

    Orange TV customers* in France can take out a monthly POP subscription (independently of the POP website subscription) from channel 109 of the Orange TV set-top-box to enjoy the POP catalogue on their TV set. For more information on the POP offer available on Orange TV decoders, see the dedicated section in these FAQs. In the event of a technical issue with the POP application on Orange TV, you can contact Orange Customer Service. *Option subject to conditions reserved for Orange TV internet telephone customers and subject to technical eligibility.

  • How long does the performance last?

    The length of the performance and the number of intervals are indicated on the description of each production on

  • How can I pay?

    The payment methods offered on POP are :

    - Valid credit card

    - Electronic wallet (Google Pay)

    - Virtual credit cards. Please note that virtual credit cards can only be used for single live show rentals. However, they cannot be used as a means of payment for subscriptions with recurring direct debits. As the virtual card number is a one-time use number, it will not be possible to set up a direct debit for the next billing period.

  • What is the Paris Opera Ticket Exchange?

    The official Paris Opera Ticket Exchange is a service that allows you to sell certain tickets to other spectators in complete confidence and security.
    Tickets purchased on the Ticket Exchange cannot be re-sold afterwards.

  • How can I watch a live performance?

    To watch a live show, you must be a POP subscriber or have rented the live show.

    On the day of the show, about 15 minutes before the show starts, you can go to the performance page on POP and click on the "Join the live" button. You will see a waiting screen until the show starts.

  • Is there a service for people with disabilities?

    The Paris Opera provides access to its two theatres for those with reduced mobility and for blind and visually impaired persons: Find out more.
    You can contact the Spectator Service on 01 40 01 18 50 from Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm, or by email at

  • What if I can’t watch the live show on D-day?

    You have 7 days to watch the live show after the date of the live broadcast. The video of the live show is published on POP the day after the live event. 

  • What situations are covered by cancellation insurance?

    The show cancellation insurance covers any random, sudden, irresistible, unforeseen event occurring before the date of the guaranteed performance, provided that it results from a non-intentional circumstance on the part of the subscriber or a member of their family, unknown of on the day of subscription to the contract and provided that it results from a cause independent from the subscriber, and provided that it is not part of the exclusions laid out in the following article.

    Please note: Cancellation insurance does not cover errors or changes in bookings. 

  • How to contact Paris Opera Play (POP)?

    If you have any suggestion or question related to Paris Opera Play, please email us at

    In the event of problems relating to performances, seat reservations or visits to the Palais Garnier or the Opéra Bastille, contact us by email at, or by phone at 08 92 89 90 90 (0,35 € TTC/min from a landline excluding possible operator charges) or at + 33 1 71 25 24 23 from abroad from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 7pm, except public holidays.

  • Is there a dress code?

    There is no particular dress code, but proper attire is required. For gala evenings, it is suggested that gentlemen wear a dark suit and ladies a dress.

  • Can I take photographs?

    It is forbidden to photograph, film or record all or part of the performance.

  • How can I obtain tickets for a performance in high demand?

    If you are not a season ticket holder, we advise you to book as soon as sales for your chosen production open at 12 noon on the Internet, by telephone or at the box offices of our theatres. When a performance is sold out, tickets may be put back on sale afterwards. For this reason, we invite you to create an alert and to log on regularly to
    You can also buy tickets on the Paris Opera's ticket exchange, accessible here

  • How can I book additional seats if I am a subscriber?

    As a subscriber, you can book for all the season's productions regardless of the booking calendar (subscriber bypass).

  • How can I exchange my tickets if I am a subscriber?

    As a subscriber, you can exchange your tickets free of charge for another date of the same production up to 48 working hours before the date of the performance or for another production up to one month before the date of the exchanged performance and according to availability (a fee of €10 per seat is charged for exchanges made between one month and 48 hours before the date of performance).

  • Where to eat and drink?

    At the Palais Garnier and the Opéra Bastille, bars offering drinks and light meals are available in the public areas three quarters of an hour before each performance and during the intervals. To avoid queuing during the interval, you can order directly from the bars as soon as you arrive in the theatre.
    At the Palais Garnier, the CoCo restaurant is open during the day and in the evening with an à la carte menu, at lunchtime (12pm-3pm), dinner (7pm-11pm) and brunch at the weekend. Entrance on Place Jacques Rouché, on the right-hand side when looking at the façade). Reservations recommended on 01 42 68 86 80 or by e-mail:

    It is forbidden to consume food and/or drink in the auditorium.

  • What are the purchase and sale fees?

    At the time of purchase, the Paris Opera handles the entire transaction, including the transfer of tickets to the new buyer. A fee of 7.5% of the initial ticket price is then retained for the buyer, and a fee of 2.5% of the ticket sale price for the seller.

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